Our Male Allies

We are proud to be the first platform to celebrate women’s career journeys and the impact of male allies, through our story-based approach.

Here are some of the inspirational and dedicated male allies our women have written about:

Todd Saxton

“One role Todd plays very well is anticipating and raising issues on my behalf if needed. The research shows that if a woman or minority engages in gender/ethnicity balancing, they are penalized. But, men gain respect when they advocate. Todd recognizes the (gender equality) situations in which his voice could hold more influence, and proactively addresses issues head-on.”

Read Kim’s story about Todd.



Rustin Kratz

“When I think about a male ally, he’s the personification of one. Proudly sharing and celebrating women’s accomplishments, supporting his family in and out of the home, raising our children by showing them what good looks like, and instilling confidence in the women in his life. ”

Read Julie’s story about Rustin.




Dr. David Borst

“In the end, on this (collaborative book) project, my mentor became my peer in many respects.  I appreciate his time and talent, and most of all the opportunity to share an idea with and through him to a wider audience.”


Read Erin’s story about Dr. Borst.




Ron Sims

“But Ron didn’t simply push; rather, he did it in a way that he knew would keep me moving, help me find structure and eventually reach my goal. And he opened doors for me with his publisher and others. He continues to be a mentor and ally through his tireless support.”

Read Inga’s story about Ron.